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OFJE-142 Nami Hoshino S1 No.1 Style 720p 2018 SubRip .srt English Subtitles

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Movie Details

Availability Date

15 Mar, 2018

Running Time

479 minutes

Total Casts

38 people

Directed By

Not Specified

Produced By

S1 No.1 Style



Episode Number


Video Quality

HD (720p)

Original Language


Subtitle Format

SubRip (.srt)

Subtitle Filename

Subtitle File Size

489.0 KB (~83,456 words)


What does the code OFJE-142 mean?

Every video produced by S1 No.1 Style studio has a unique code number to identify the video's series (OFJE) and episode number (142).

Other names for this video are as follows:
  • OFJE142 (without '-' hyphens)
  • ofje00142 (as unique ID with only numbers and lower-case letters to avoid clashing with similar codes from other studios)

What country is this movie from?

'OFJE-142 Nami Hoshino S1 No.1 Style 720p 2018 SubRip .srt' was first produced and released in Japan with the 15 Mar, 2018 release date.

Who acted in this movie?

Casts for this movie are: Nami Hoshino (星野ナミ), Hizuki Rui (妃月るい), Aisha Yuzuki (悠月アイシャ), Itsuka (いつか), Kurumi Hinagata (雛形くるみ), Nanami Matsumoto (松本菜奈実), Nene Yoshitaka (吉高寧々), Koharu Suzuki (鈴木心春), Akiho Yoshizawa (吉沢明歩), Yura Orihara 折原ゆら (折原ゆら), Suzu Mitake (美竹すず), Miharu Usa (羽咲みはる), Riho Sasakawa (笹川りほ), Makoto Shiraishi (白石真琴), An Tsujimoto (辻本杏), Yura Kano (架乃ゆら), Miyu Yanagi (柳みゆう), Watermelon Sakura (水卜さくら), Nanae Matsumoto (松本ななえ), Moe Amatsuka (天使もえ), Riri Aiba (愛葉りり), Kirara Asuka (明日花キララ), Mirai Momozono (桃園みらい), Rina Kazama (風間リナ), Akari Natugawa (夏川あかり), Miko Matsuda (松田美子), Minami Kojima (小島みなみ), Jessica Kizaki (希崎ジェシカ), NAO (Mizuki Suzu) (NAO(美竹すず)), Hanon Hinana (日菜々はのん), Riku Minato (湊莉久), Nana Fukada (深田ナナ), Yua Mikami (三上悠亜), Tsukasa Aoi (葵つかさ), Minori Umeda (梅田みのり), Aika Yumeno (夢乃あいか), Arina Hashimoto (橋本ありな), Saki Okuda (奥田咲).

Where was this movie filmed?

'OFJE-142 Nami Hoshino S1 No.1 Style 720p 2018 SubRip .srt' was filmed at home.

How long did it take to produce this movie?

We estimate that 'OFJE-142 Nami Hoshino S1 No.1 Style 720p 2018 SubRip .srt' was produced within 8.0 months.

How popular are subtitles for this movie?

'OFJE-142 Nami Hoshino S1 No.1 Style 720p 2018 SubRip .srt' currently ranks #158,512 out of 509,934 subtitles in our database.

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How are subtitle custom order prices calculated for this movie?

Subtitle custom order prices are calculated based on the length of the movie.

By default, custom order pricings are 1.60 per minute, and they get cheaper for movies above 90 minutes.

As this movie is 479 minutes long, the final price is 766.40, at 1.60 per minute.

How do I download the full version of this movie?

To download the full-length movie (479 minutes), scroll to the top of this page and click on the 'Full Movie' button and fill up the form.

The link to download the movie from the official producer's website will be sent to your email.

Is there a trailer for this movie? Where can I watch it?

To watch the trailer for 'OFJE-142 Nami Hoshino S1 No.1 Style 720p 2018 SubRip .srt', scroll to the top of this page and click on the 'Trailer' button and fill up the form.

The link to watch the trailer from the official producer's website will be sent directly to your email.


SubtitleTrans brings you video subtitling and translation services that is fast, affordable, and accurate. Download in the most popular SubRip (.srt) format at prices as low as $1.60 per minute.

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