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CESD-757 Yuriko Shiomi Celeb no Tomo 720p 2019 SubRip .srt English Subtitles

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Movie Details

Availability Date

21 Apr, 2019

Running Time

1544 minutes

Total Casts

85 people

Directed By

Not Specified

Produced By

Celeb no Tomo



Episode Number


Video Quality

HD (720p)

Original Language


Subtitle Format

SubRip (.srt)

Subtitle Filename

Subtitle File Size

1,554.0 KB (~265,216 words)


What does the code CESD-757 mean?

Every video produced by Celeb no Tomo studio has a unique code number to identify the video's series (CESD) and episode number (757).

Other names for this video are as follows:
  • CESD757 (without '-' hyphens)
  • cesd00757 (as unique ID with only numbers and lower-case letters to avoid clashing with similar codes from other studios)

What country is this movie from?

'CESD-757 Yuriko Shiomi Celeb no Tomo 720p 2019 SubRip .srt' was first produced and released in Japan with the 21 Apr, 2019 release date.

Who acted in this movie?

Casts for this movie are: Yuriko Shiomi (潮見百合子), Sora Nijikawa (虹川そら), Mika Matsushita (松下美香), Azusa Itagaki (板垣あずさ), Kanako Ioka (飯岡かなこ), Mayu Shimazaki (島崎麻友), Kana Nagasawa (長澤果奈), Kindo Umi (近藤郁(近藤郁美)), Yuri Shirai (白井ユリ), Ryoko Asamiya (朝宮涼子), Azumi Chino (千乃あずみ), Azusa Kirihara (Azusa Ito) (桐原あずさ(伊藤あずさ)), Uta Kohaku (琥珀うた), Yu Kawakami (Shizuku Morino) (川上ゆう(森野雫)), Miwako Yamamoto (山本美和子), Satsuki Kirioka (桐岡さつき), Natsumi Horiguchi 堀口奈津美 (堀口奈津美), Reiko Makihara (牧原れい子), Mao Ito (伊東真緒), Kaori Nishioka (西尾かおり), Michiko Serenade (美智子小夜曲), Ichiha Sugano (菅野いちは), Ririko Hibiki (響りり子), Yuri Shinomiya (篠宮ゆり), Eri Miyasugi (宮杉えり), Chacha Anku (杏紅茶々), Yui Hatano (波多野結衣), Rina Takakura (高倉梨奈), Misa Yuki (結城みさ), Saki Ninomiya (二宮沙樹), Kotomi Asakura (朝倉ことみ), Ichigo (いちご), Ichigo Aoi (青井いちご), Yumi Kazama (風間ゆみ), Sakura Kamitsu (華蜜さくら), Sakurako Ikegami (池上桜子), Kurea Hasumi (蓮実クレア), Shinobu Igarashi (五十嵐しのぶ), Sara Kotone (琴音さら), Hitomi Enjoji (円城ひとみ), Mio Kayama (香山美桜), Ayame Tsubaki (椿あやめ), Kasumi Ikawa (井川香澄), Yui Oba (大場ゆい), Ryoko Murakami (Rikako Nakamura, Naho Kuroki) (村上涼子(中村りかこ、黒木菜穂)), Reika Aiba (相葉レイカ), Hibiki Otsuki (大槻ひびき), Mone Endo (遠藤百音), Ayako Inoue (井上綾子), Yuika Takashima (高嶋ゆいか), Ichika Kamihata (神波多一花), Chisato Shoda (翔田千里), Nozomi Hatzuki (羽月希), Miya Sonozaki (園崎美弥), Ryu Enami (RYU) (江波りゅう(RYU)), Akemi Horiuchi (堀内秋美), Miki Sunohara (春原未来), Nao Kato (加藤なお), Hisae Yabe (矢部寿恵), Iku Kondo (Ikumi Kondo) (近藤郁美), Mai Miori (みおり舞), Kanako Ioka (飯岡かなこ), Asahi Mizuno (水野朝陽), Haruka Aizawa (Kotone Kuroki) (逢沢はるか(黒木琴音)), Haruka Mikazuki (三日月春歌), Mako Higashio (すみれ(東尾真子)), Mai Kokura (小倉舞), Ayu Sakurai (桜井あゆ), Kasumi Okazaki (岡咲かすみ), Emika Sakuragi (桜木えみ香), Asumi Tomioka (富岡亜澄), Karin Itsuki (Fuka Nanasaki) (樹花凜(七咲楓花)), Nanami Hirose (広瀬奈々美), Sumire Takaoka (高岡すみれ), Shizuka Akiyama (秋山静香), Riri Nakayama (中山理莉), Misa Kudo (工藤美紗), Erika Shirono (城野絵里香), Sensen Zen Ka Na Kk (森沢かな(飯岡かなこ)), Mako Morishita (森下麻子), Aoi Matsushima (松嶋葵), Sana Mizuhara (水原さな), Ayumi Shinoda (篠田あゆみ), Yuna Shina (椎名ゆな), Akari Asagiri (朝桐光), Yuki Tanihara (谷原ゆき), Nanami Hirose (広瀬奈々美(堀口奈津美)).

Where was this movie filmed?

'CESD-757 Yuriko Shiomi Celeb no Tomo 720p 2019 SubRip .srt' was filmed at home.

How long did it take to produce this movie?

We estimate that 'CESD-757 Yuriko Shiomi Celeb no Tomo 720p 2019 SubRip .srt' was produced within 25.7 months.

How popular are subtitles for this movie?

'CESD-757 Yuriko Shiomi Celeb no Tomo 720p 2019 SubRip .srt' currently ranks #148,989 out of 504,582 subtitles in our database.

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How are subtitle custom order prices calculated for this movie?

Subtitle custom order prices are calculated based on the length of the movie.

By default, custom order pricings are 1.60 per minute, and they get cheaper for movies above 90 minutes.

As this movie is 1544 minutes long, the final price is 2,470.40, at 1.60 per minute.

How do I download the full version of this movie?

To download the full-length movie (1544 minutes), scroll to the top of this page and click on the 'Full Movie' button and fill up the form.

The link to download the movie from the official producer's website will be sent to your email.

Is there a trailer for this movie? Where can I watch it?

To watch the trailer for 'CESD-757 Yuriko Shiomi Celeb no Tomo 720p 2019 SubRip .srt', scroll to the top of this page and click on the 'Trailer' button and fill up the form.

The link to watch the trailer from the official producer's website will be sent directly to your email.


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